Gebruiker:Gerarddummer/zandbak: verschil tussen versies
(Voor straks) |
Regel 137: | Regel 137: | ||
* Vanaf 1597 - [[revolver]] (door [[Hans Stopler]]) |
* Vanaf 1597 - [[revolver]] (door [[Hans Stopler]]) |
− | == |
+ | === Moderne tijd === |
− | === |
+ | ==== 17e eeuw ==== |
+ | * 1605 - [[krant]] (uitgegeven door [[Johann Carolus]] in het [[Heilig Roomse Rijk]]) |
− | A 1609 title page of the German ''Relation'', the world's first newspaper (first published in 1605) |
+ | * 1608 - [[telescoop]] - (door [[Hans Lippershey]] of [[Jacob Metius]] of [[Zacharias Janssen]] uit Nederland) |
− | * 1605: Newspaper (''Relation''): Johann Carolus in Strassburg, Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (see also List of the oldest newspapers) |
+ | * omstreeks 1620 - [[samengestelde microscoop]] (Zacharias Janssen, [[Cornelis Drebbel]], en [[Galileo Galilei]]) |
− | * 1608: Telescope: Patent applied for by Hans Lippershey in the Netherlands. Actual inventor unknown since it seemed to already be a common item being offered by the spectacle makers in the Netherlands with Jacob Metius also applying for patent and the son of Zacharias Janssen making a claim 47 years later that his father invented it. |
+ | * 1630 - [[rekenliniaal]] ([[William Oughtred]]) |
− | * c. 1620: Compound microscopes, which combine an objective lens with an eyepiece to view a real image, first appear in Europe. Apparently derived from the telescope, actual inventor unknown, variously attributed to Zacharias Janssen (his son claiming it was invented in 1590), Cornelis Drebbel, and Galileo Galilei. |
+ | * 1642 - [[Mechanische rekenmachine]] (de [[Pascaline]] door [[Blaise Pascal]]) |
− | * 1630: Slide rule: invented by William Oughtred |
+ | * 1643 - [[barometer]] (door [[Evangelista Torricelli]] of [[Gasparo Berti]]) |
− | * 1642: Mechanical calculator. The Pascaline is built by Blaise Pascal |
+ | * 1650 - [[vacuum-pomp]] (door [[Otto van Guericke]]) |
− | * 1643: Barometer: invented by Evangelista Torricelli, or possibly up to three years earlier by Gasparo Berti. |
+ | * 1656 - [[pendule klok]] (door Christiaan Huygens; concept bedacht in 1637 door Galileo Galilei) |
− | * 1650: Vacuum pump: Invented by Otto von Guericke. |
+ | * 1663 - [[Elektriseermachine]] door Otto van Guericke |
− | * 1656: Pendulum clock: Invented by Christiaan Huygens. It was first conceptulized in 1637 by Galileo Galilei but he was unable to create a working model. |
+ | * 1680 Eerste beschrijving van een [[zuigermachine]] door Christiaan Huygens) |
− | * 1663: Friction machine: Invented by Otto von Guericke. |
− | * 1680: Christiaan Huygens provides the first known description of a piston engine. |
− | === |
+ | ==== 18e eeuw ==== |
− | ==== |
+ | ===== 1700 ===== |
+ | * circa 1709 - eerste [[piano]] (door [[Bartolomeo Cristofori]]) |
− | * c. 1709: Bartolomeo Cristofori crafts the first piano. |
+ | * 1709 - [[thermometer]] op alcohol (door [[Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit]]) |
− | * 1709: Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit invents the alcohol thermometer. |
+ | 1710 |
+ | * 1712 - [[eerste commerciële stoommachine]] gebouwd door [[Thomas Newcomen]] (om water uit [[Mijn (delfstoffen)|mijnen]] te pompen) |
+ | 1730 |
+ | * 1730 - [[octant]] (door [[Thomas Godfrey]] en [[John Hadley]] ontworpen) |
+ | * 1733 - [[schietspoel]] maakt het mogelijk dat 1 persoon een [[weefgetouw]] bedient (door [[John Kay]]) |
+ | * 1736 - [[zeeklok]] getest door [[John Harrison]] (de [[H1]]) |
+ | * 1738 - eerste mechanische [[katoenspinmachine]] (door [[Lewis Paul]] en [[John Wyatt]]) |
+ | 1740 |
+ | * 1745 - [[Leidse fles]] (voorloper van de [[condensator]]) door [[Musschenbroek]] en [[Kleist]] |
+ | * 1746 - [[lodenkamerproces]] (door [[John Roebuck]]) |
+ | 1750 |
+ | * 1755 - eerste kunstmatige [[koelmachine]] ([[William Cullen]]) |
+ | 1760 |
+ | * 1764 - [[Spinning Jenny]] ([[James Hargreaves]]) |
+ | * 1765 - verbeterde [[stoommachine]] door [[James Watt]] met aparte [[condensatiekamer]] |
+ | * 1767 - maken van [[sodawater]] (door [[Joseph Priestley]]) |
+ | * 1769 - eerste door [[stoom aangedreven voertuig]] die personen kan vervoeren (door [[Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot]]) |
+ | 1770 |
+ | * 1770 - [[weegschaal]] (door [[Richard Salter]]) |
+ | * 1774 - [[boormachine]] (door [[John Wilkinson]]) |
+ | * 1775 - [[draaibank]] (om [[schroefdraad]] te maken) (door [[Jesse Ramsden]]) |
+ | * 1776 - [[mechanische luchtcompressor]] (door John Wilkinson) |
+ | 1780 |
+ | * 1783 - [[stoomboot]] ([[Claude de Jouffroy]]) |
+ | * 1783 - [[heteluchtballon]] (door [[Joseph-Ralf]] en [[Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier]]) |
+ | * 1785 - [[elektrolyse]] (door [[Martinus van Marum]]) |
+ | * 1786 - dorsmachine (door Andrew Meikle) |
+ | * 1789 - mechanisch weefgetouw (door Edmund Carthwright) |
+ | 1790 |
+ | * 1790 - naaimachine (door Thomas Saint) |
+ | * 1792 - telegraaf door middel van seinpalen (door Claude Chappe) |
+ | * 1793 - moderne ontkorkelmachine (door Eli Whitney) |
+ | * 1795 - hydraulische pers (door Joseph Bramah) |
+ | * 1796 - Lithografie (door Alois Senefelder) |
+ | * 1797 - multiplex (door Samuel Bentham) |
+ | * 1798 - vacin (door Edward Jenner tegen pokken) |
+ | * 1799 - papiermachine (door Louis-Nicolas Robert) |
+ | 19e eeuw |
+ | * |
− | ==== 1710s[edit] ==== |
+ | * |
− | * 1712: Thomas Newcomen builds the first commercial steam engine to pump water out of mines. Newcomen's engine, unlike Thomas Savery's, uses a piston. |
− | |||
− | ==== 1730s[edit] ==== |
− | * c. 1730: Thomas Godfrey and John Hadley independently develop the octant |
− | * 1733: John Kay enables one person to operate a loom with the flying shuttle |
− | * 1736: John Harrison tests his first Sea Clock, H1. |
− | * 1738: Lewis Paul and John Wyatt invent the first mechanized cotton spinning machine. |
− | |||
− | ==== 1740s[edit] ==== |
− | * 1745: Musschenbroek and Kleist independently develop the Leyden jar, an early form of capacitor. |
− | * 1746: John Roebuck invents the lead chamber process. |
− | |||
− | ==== 1750s[edit] ==== |
− | * 1755: William Cullen invents the first artificial refrigeration machine. |
− | |||
− | ==== 1760s[edit] ==== |
− | * 1764: James Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny. |
− | * 1765: James Watt invents the improved steam engine utilizing a separate condenser. |
− | * 1767: Joseph Priestley invents a method for the production of carbonated water. |
− | * 1769: Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot invents the first steam-powered vehicle capable of carrying passengers, an early car. |
− | |||
− | ==== 1770s[edit] ==== |
− | * 1770: Richard Salter invents the earliest known design for a weighing scale. |
− | * 1774: John Wilkinson invents his boring machine, considered by some to be the first machine tool. |
− | * 1775: Jesse Ramsden invents the modern screw-cutting lathe. |
− | * 1776: John Wilkinson invents a mechanical air compressor that would become the prototype for all later mechanical compressors. |
− | |||
− | ==== 1780s[edit] ==== |
− | * 1783: Claude de Jouffroy builds the first steamboat. |
− | * 1783: Joseph-Ralf and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier build the first manned hot air balloon. |
− | * 1785: Martinus van Marum is the first to use the electrolysis technique. |
− | * 1786: Andrew Meikle invents the threshing machine. |
− | * 1789: Edmund Cartwright invents the power loom. |
− | |||
− | ==== 1790s[edit] ==== |
− | * 1790: Thomas Saint invents the sewing machine. |
− | * 1792: Claude Chappe invents the modern semaphore telegraph. |
− | * 1793: Eli Whitney invents the modern cotton gin. |
− | * 1795: Joseph Bramah invents the hydraulic press. |
− | * 1796: Alois Senefelder invents the lithography printing technique. |
− | * 1797: Samuel Bentham invents plywood. |
− | * 1798: Edward Jenner develops the first successful vaccine, the smallpox vaccine. |
− | * 1799: George Medhurst invents the first motorized air compressor. |
− | * 1799: The first paper machine is invented by Louis-Nicolas Robert. |
=== 19th century[edit] === |
=== 19th century[edit] === |
Versie van 21 jan 2021 15:43
Klassieke Oudheid en Middeleeuwen
5e eeuw voor Christus
- 500 voor Christus - stijgbeugel (India)
- 485 voor Christus - katapult (door koning Ajatashatru uit India)
- 485 voor Christus - strijdwagen met zeis (door koning Ajatashatru uit India)
- 5e eeuw voor Christus - gietijzer (Oud-China)
- 480 voor Christus - wenteltrap (in Silinunte, Sicilië).
- 407 voor Christus - kruiwagen in Griekenland
4e eeuw voor Christus
- 4e eeuw voor Christus - trebuchet in Oud-China
- 4e eeuw voor Christus - tandwielen in Oud-China
- 4e eeuw voor Christus - rietpen (schrijven met inkt op papyrus in Egypte)
- 375-350 voor Christus - rosmolen in Cathargo
- Vanaf de 4e eeuw voor Christus - corporatie in de Mauryadynastie of Oud-Rome
- Late 4e eeuw voor Christus - cheque in Mauryadynastie
- Late 4e eeuw voor Christus - ontwikkeling van Kaliumnitraat en militair gebruik ervan in Mauryadynastie
- Late 4e eeuw voor Christus - formeel systeem gemaakt door Panini
- 4e tot 3e eeuw voor Christus - productie van zink in Noord-West India
3e eeuw voor Christus
- 3e eeuw voor Christus - analoge computer (Mechanisme van Antikythera)
- 3e eeuw voor Christus - Schroef van Archimedes (Oud-Griekenland)
- vroege 3e eeuw voor Christus - kanaalsluis (in Suez )
- 3e eeuw voor Christus - nokkenas (gebruikt bij een watersmidse)
- 3e eeuw voor Christus - waterrad
- Laat 3e eeuw voor Christus - Cardanische ophanging
- Laat 3e eeuw voor Christus - droogdok (in Macedonisch Egypte en het Ptolemeïsche rijk)
- 3e - 2e eeuw voor Christus - hoogoven (China)
2e eeuw voor Christus
- 2e eeuw voor Christus - papier (China)
- vroege 2e eeuw voor Christus - Astrolabium (uitgevonden door Apollonius van Perga)
1e eeuw voor Christus
- 1 eeuw voor Christus - boogbrug (in de Romeinse Republiek)
- 1e eeuw voor Christus - krant (gedurende het bewind van Julius Caesar)
- 1e eeuw voor Christus - boogdam (de Glanum Dam in Gallia Narbonensis)
- voor 40 voor Christus - struikelhamer (China)
- 38 voor Christus - de nul (Mayacijfers)
- Voor 25 voor Christus - omgekeerde bovenslagwaterrad (Romeinse uitvinding)
- 37 - 14 voor Christus - glasblazen (Jeruzalem)
1e eeuw
- 1e eeuw - Aeolipile (eenvoudige stoomturbine; genoemd door Hero van Alexandrië)
- 1e eeuw - verkoopautomaat (uitgevonden door Hero van Alexandrië)
- 1e eeuw - dubbel boekhouden (India)
- Sinds 50 naar Christus - vlammenwerper (Vroeg-Chola in Zuid India)
2e eeuw
- 132 - seismograaf en slinger (in Han Dynastie)
- 2e eeuw - kaarden (India)
3 eeuw
- vanaf de 3e eeuw - kristalsuiker (India)
- vroeg 3e eeuw - blokdruk printen (Han Dynastie in China)
- late 3 en begin 4e eeuw - Hydraulische turbine in het Romeinse Rijk
4e eeuw
- 4e eeuw - schaken (in India tijdens Gupta's)
- 4e eeuw - kompas voor zeelieden in Zuid-India
- 4e eeuw - hangbrug (India)
- 4e eeuw - werpmolen (hengelen) in China
- 347 - oliebronnen en boren in China
- 4e - 5e eeuw - raderboot (Romeinse Rijk)
5e eeuw
- tijdens de 5e eeuw - de nul in Oud-India.
- 400 jaar na Christus - IJzeren pilaar van Delhi gemaakt van roestbestendige metallurgie
- 5e eeuw - haam voor paarden (China)
- 5e/ 6e eeuw - puntige boogbrug in Romeinse Rijk
6e eeuw
- vanaf de 6e eeuw - wierookklok (India)
- na 500 - Charkha (spinnewiel)
- 563 - pendentief (als onderdeel van een koepel) in de Hagia Sophia
- 577 - zwavel lucifers (bestaat in China)
- 589 - toiletpapier (bestaat in Sui-dynastie)
7e eeuw
- 650 - Windmolen in Perzië
- 672 - Grieks vuur (wapen)
- 7e eeuw - bankbiljet (tijdens de Tang-dynastie)
- 7e eeuw porselein (tijdens de Tang-dynastie)
8e eeuw
- 700 - gaatjescamera
9e eeuw
- 9e eeuw - buskruit (China)
- 9e eeuw - universiteit (Marokko)
10e eeuw
11e eeuw
- 11e eeuw - ambulance (door de kruisvaarder in Palestina en Libanon)
- 11e eeuw - Bessemerprocedé (China)
- 11e eeuw - kettingaandrijving (door Su Song voor het ontwikkelen van een astronomische klok)
- 1088 - printen met beweegbare letters (movable type) (China)
12e eeuw
- 12e eeuw - obligatiehandel in Frankrijk
13e eeuw
- 13e eeuw - raketten (voor militair gebruik en plezier) (China)
- 13e eeuw - spillegang (eerste vorm van mechanische echappement)
- 13e eeuw - knopen in combinatie met knoopsgaten voor kleding (Duitsland)
- 1277 - landmijn in Song Dynastie
- 1286 - bril (Italië)
- 13e eeuw - explosieve bom (China)
- 13e eeuw - handkanon (China)
- 13e of 14e eeuw - ontkorrelmachine (voor het maken van katoen)
14 eeuw
- vroeg tot midden 1300 - meertrapsraket (China)
- Vanaf 1326 - kanon (China)
- 14e eeuw - Jacobsstaf uitgevonden door Levi ben Gerson
- 14e eeuw - zeemijn (China)
15e eeuw
- vroeg 15e eeuw - springveer (Europa)
- 15e eeuw - drijfveer (Europa)
- 15e eeuw - geweer (Europa)
- 1420 - booromslag - Graafschap Vlaanderen
- 1439 - drukpers in Mainz (Duitsland) door Johannes Gutenberg
- midden 15e eeuw - haakbus (waarschijnlijk in Spanje)
- 1451 - Karveel (schip) (Portugal)
- 1480 - Astrolabium voor op zee (Portugal)
16e eeuw
- 1560 - drijvend droogdok (Venetië)
- 1569 - Mercator projectie (door Geradus Mercator)
- 1589 - mechanische breimachine (door William Lee)
- 1594 - Davis quadrant (door John Davis)
- Vanaf 1597 - revolver (door Hans Stopler)
Moderne tijd
17e eeuw
- 1605 - krant (uitgegeven door Johann Carolus in het Heilig Roomse Rijk)
- 1608 - telescoop - (door Hans Lippershey of Jacob Metius of Zacharias Janssen uit Nederland)
- omstreeks 1620 - samengestelde microscoop (Zacharias Janssen, Cornelis Drebbel, en Galileo Galilei)
- 1630 - rekenliniaal (William Oughtred)
- 1642 - Mechanische rekenmachine (de Pascaline door Blaise Pascal)
- 1643 - barometer (door Evangelista Torricelli of Gasparo Berti)
- 1650 - vacuum-pomp (door Otto van Guericke)
- 1656 - pendule klok (door Christiaan Huygens; concept bedacht in 1637 door Galileo Galilei)
- 1663 - Elektriseermachine door Otto van Guericke
- 1680 Eerste beschrijving van een zuigermachine door Christiaan Huygens)
18e eeuw
- circa 1709 - eerste piano (door Bartolomeo Cristofori)
- 1709 - thermometer op alcohol (door Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit)
- 1712 - eerste commerciële stoommachine gebouwd door Thomas Newcomen (om water uit mijnen te pompen)
- 1730 - octant (door Thomas Godfrey en John Hadley ontworpen)
- 1733 - schietspoel maakt het mogelijk dat 1 persoon een weefgetouw bedient (door John Kay)
- 1736 - zeeklok getest door John Harrison (de H1)
- 1738 - eerste mechanische katoenspinmachine (door Lewis Paul en John Wyatt)
- 1745 - Leidse fles (voorloper van de condensator) door Musschenbroek en Kleist
- 1746 - lodenkamerproces (door John Roebuck)
- 1755 - eerste kunstmatige koelmachine (William Cullen)
- 1764 - Spinning Jenny (James Hargreaves)
- 1765 - verbeterde stoommachine door James Watt met aparte condensatiekamer
- 1767 - maken van sodawater (door Joseph Priestley)
- 1769 - eerste door stoom aangedreven voertuig die personen kan vervoeren (door Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot)
- 1770 - weegschaal (door Richard Salter)
- 1774 - boormachine (door John Wilkinson)
- 1775 - draaibank (om schroefdraad te maken) (door Jesse Ramsden)
- 1776 - mechanische luchtcompressor (door John Wilkinson)
- 1783 - stoomboot (Claude de Jouffroy)
- 1783 - heteluchtballon (door Joseph-Ralf en Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier)
- 1785 - elektrolyse (door Martinus van Marum)
- 1786 - dorsmachine (door Andrew Meikle)
- 1789 - mechanisch weefgetouw (door Edmund Carthwright)
- 1790 - naaimachine (door Thomas Saint)
- 1792 - telegraaf door middel van seinpalen (door Claude Chappe)
- 1793 - moderne ontkorkelmachine (door Eli Whitney)
- 1795 - hydraulische pers (door Joseph Bramah)
- 1796 - Lithografie (door Alois Senefelder)
- 1797 - multiplex (door Samuel Bentham)
- 1798 - vacin (door Edward Jenner tegen pokken)
- 1799 - papiermachine (door Louis-Nicolas Robert)
19e eeuw
19th century[edit]
- 1800: Alessandro Volta invents the voltaic pile, an early form of battery in Italy, based on previous works by Luigi Galvani.
- 1802: Humphry Davy invents the arc lamp (exact date unclear; not practical as a light source until the invention of efficient electric generators).
- 1804: Friedrich Sertürner discovers morphine as the first active alkaloid extracted from the opium poppy plant.
- 1804: Richard Trevithick invents the steam locomotive.
- 1804: Hanaoka Seishū creates tsūsensan, the first modern general anesthetic.
- 1807: Nicéphore Niépce invents the first internal combustion engine capable of doing useful work.
- 1807: François Isaac de Rivaz designs the first automobile powered by an internal combustion engine fuelled by hydrogen.
- 1807: Robert Fulton expands water transportation and trade with the workable steamboat.
- 1810: Nicolas Appert invents the canning process for food.
- 1811: Friedrich Koenig invents the first powered printing press, which was also the first to use a cylinder.
- 1812: William Reid Clanny pioneered the invention of the safety lamp which he improved in later years. Safety lamps based on Clanny's improved design were used until the adoption of electric lamps.
- 1814: James Fox invents the modern planing machine, though Matthew Murray of Leeds and Richard Roberts of Manchester have also been credited at times with its invention.
- 1816: Francis Ronalds builds the first working electric telegraph using electrostatic means.
- 1816: Robert Stirling invents the Stirling engine.
- 1817: Baron Karl von Drais invents the dandy horse, an early velocipede and precursor to the modern bicycle.
- 1818: Marc Isambard Brunel invents the tunnelling shield.
- 1822: Thomas Blanchard invents the pattern-tracing lathe (actually more like a shaper) and was completed by for the U.S. Ordnance Dept. The lathe can copy symmetrical shapes and is used for making gun stocks, and later, ax handles. The lathe's patent is in force for 42 years, the record for any U.S. patent.
- 1822: Nicéphore Niépce invents Heliography, the first photographic process.
- 1822: Charles Babbage, considered the "father of the computer", begins building the first programmable mechanical computer.
- 1823: Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner invents the first lighter.
- 1824: Johann Nikolaus von Dreyse invents the bolt-action rifle.
- 1825: William Sturgeon invents the electromagnet.
- 1826: John Walker invents the friction match.
- 1828: James Beaumont Neilson develops the hot blast process.
- 1828: Patrick Bell invents the reaping machine.
- 1828: Hungarian physicist Ányos Jedlik invents the first commutated rotary electromechanical machine with electromagnets.
- 1829: William Mann invents the compound air compressor.
- 1830: Edwin Budding invents the lawn mower.
- 1831: Michael Faraday invents a method of electromagnetic induction. It would be independently invented by Joseph Henry the following year.
- 1834: Moritz von Jacobi, a German-born Russian, invents the first practical electric motor.
- 1835: Joseph Henry invents the electromechanical relay.
- 1837: Samuel Morse invents Morse code.
- 1838: Moritz von Jacobi invents Electrotyping.
- 1839: William Otis invents the steam shovel.
- 1839: James Nasmyth invents the steam hammer.
- 1839: Edmond Becquerel invents a method for the photovoltaic effect, effectively producing the first solar cell.
- 1841: Alexander Bain devises a printing telegraph.
- 1842: William Robert Grove invents the first fuel cell.
- 1842: John Bennet Lawes invents superphosphate, the first man-made fertilizer.
- 1844: Friedrich Gottlob Keller and, independently, Charles Fenerty come up with the wood pulp method of paper production.
- 1845: Isaac Charles Johnson invents Modern Portland cement.
- 1846: Henri-Joseph Maus invents the Tunnel boring machine.
- 1847: Ascanio Sobrero invents Nitroglycerin, the first explosive made that was stronger than black powder.
- 1848: Jonathan J. Couch invents the pneumatic drill.
- 1849: Walter Hunt invents the first repeating rifle to use metallic cartridges (of his own design) and a spring-fed magazine.
- 1849: James B. Francis invents the Francis turbine.
- 1850: Sir William Armstrong invents the hydraulic accumulator.
- 1852: Robert Bunsen is the first to use a chemical vapor deposition technique.
- 1852: Elisha Otis invents the safety brake elevator.
- 1852: Henri Giffard becomes the first person to make a manned, controlled and powered flight using a dirigible.
- 1853: François Coignet invents reinforced concrete.
- 1855: James Clerk Maxwell invents the first practical method for color photography, whether chemical or electronic.
- 1855: Sir. Henry Bessemer patents the Bessemer process for making steel, with improvements made by others over the following years.
- 1856: James Harrison produces the world's first practical ice making machine and refrigerator using the principle of vapour compression in Geelong, Australia.
- 1856: William Henry Perkin invents Mauveine, the first synthetic dye.
- 1857: Heinrich Geissler invents the Geissler tube.
- 1859: Gaston Planté invents the lead acid battery, the first rechargeable battery.
- 1860: Joseph Swan produces carbon fibers.
- 1862: Alexander Parkes invents parkesine, also known as celluloid, the first man-made plastic.
- 1864: Louis Pasteur invents the pasteurization process.
- 1865: Carl Wilhelm Siemens and Pierre-Émile Martin invented the Siemens-Martin process for making steel.
- 1865: Gregor Mendel publishes 'Versuche über Pflanzenhybriden' ("Experiments on Plant Hybridization"), effectively founding the science of genetics, though the importance of his work would not be appreciated until later on.
- 1867: Alfred Nobel invents Dynamite, the first safely manageable explosive stronger than black powder.
- 1867: Lucien B. Smith invents barbed wire, which Joseph F. Glidden will modify in 1874, leading to the taming of the West and the end of the cowboys.
- 1872: J.E.T. Woods and J. Clark invented Stainless steel. Harry Brearley was the first to commercialize it.
- 1873: Frederick Ransome invents the rotary kiln.
- 1873: Sir William Crookes, a chemist, invents the Crookes radiometer as the by-product of some chemical research.
- 1873: Zénobe Gramme invents the first commercial electrical generator, the Gramme machine.
- 1874: Gustave Trouvé invents the first metal detector.
- 1876: Nicolaus August Otto invents the Four-stroke cycle.
- 1876: Alexander Graham Bell has a patent granted for the telephone. However, other inventors before Bell had worked on the development of the telephone and the invention had several pioneers.
- 1877: Thomas Edison invents the first working phonograph.
- 1878: Henry Fleuss is granted a patent for the first practical rebreather.
- 1878: Lester Allan Pelton invents the Pelton wheel.
- 1879: Joseph Swan and Thomas Edison both patent a functional Incandescent light bulb. Some two dozen inventors had experimented with electric incandescent lighting over the first three-quarters of the 19th century but never came up with a practical design. Swan's, which he had been working on his since the 1860s, had a low resistance so was only suited for small installations. Edison designed a high-resistance bulb as part of a large-scale commercial electric lighting utility.
- 1881: Nikolay Benardos presents carbon arc welding, the first practical arc welding method.
- 1884: Hiram Maxim invents the recoil-operated Maxim gun, ushering in the age of semi- and fully automatic firearms.
- 1884: Paul Vieille invents Poudre B, the first smokeless powder for firearms.
- 1884: Sir Charles Parsons invents the modern steam turbine.
- 1884: Hungarian engineers Károly Zipernowsky, Ottó Bláthy and Miksa Déri intvent the closed core high efficiency transformer and the AC parallel power distribution.
- 1885: John Kemp Starley invents the modern bicycle.
- 1886: Carl Gassner invents the zinc-carbon battery, the first dry cell battery, making portable electronics practical.
- 1886: Charles Martin Hall and independently Paul Héroult invent the Hall–Héroult process for economically producing aluminum in 1886.
- 1886: Karl Benz invents the first petrol or gasoline powered auto-mobile (car).
- 1887: Carl Josef Bayer invents the Bayer process for the production of alumina.
- 1887: James Blyth invents the first wind turbine used for generating electricity.
- 1887: John Stewart MacArthur, working in collaboration with brothers Dr. Robert and Dr. William Forrest develops the process of gold cyanidation.
- 1888: John J. Loud invents the ballpoint pen.
- 1888: Heinrich Hertz publishes a conclusive proof of James Clerk Maxwell's electromagnetic theory in experiments that also demonstrate the existence of radio waves. The effects of electromagnetic waves had been observed by many people before this but no usable theory explaining them existed until Maxwell.
- 1890s: Frédéric Swarts invents the first chlorofluorocarbons to be applied as refrigerant.
- 1890: Clément Ader invents the first aircraft, airplane, fly machine called Eole (aircraft) or Ader Éole
- 1891: Whitcomb Judson invents the zipper.
- 1892: Léon Bouly invents the cinematograph.
- 1893: Rudolf Diesel invents the diesel engine (although Herbert Akroyd Stuart had experimented with compression ignition before Diesel).
- 1895: Guglielmo Marconi invents a system of wireless communication using radio waves.
- 1895: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen invented the first radiograph (xrays).
- 1898: Hans von Pechmann synthesizes polyethylene, now the most common plastic in the world.
- 1899: Waldemar Jungner invents the rechargeable nickel-cadmium battery (NiCd) as well as the nickel-iron electric storage battery (NiFe) and the rechargeable alkaline silver-cadmium battery (AgCd)
20th century[edit]
- 1900: The first Zeppelin is designed by Theodor Kober.
- 1901: The first motorized cleaner using suction, a powered "vacuum cleaner", is patented independently by British engineer Hubert Cecil Booth and American inventor David T. Kenney.
- 1903: The first successful gas turbine is invented by Ægidius Elling.
- 1903: Édouard Bénédictus invents laminated glass.
- 1903: First manually controlled, fixed wing, motorized aircraft flies at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina by Orville and Wilbur Wright. See Claims to the first powered flight.
- 1904: The Fleming valve, the first vacuum tube and diode, is invented by John Ambrose Fleming.
- 1907: The first free flight of a rotary-wing aircraft is carried out by Paul Cornu.
- 1907: Leo Baekeland invents bakelite.
- 1907 (at some time during the year), the tuyères thermopropulsives after 1945 (Maurice Roy (fr)) known as the statoreacteur a combustion subsonique (the ramjet) – R. Lorin
- 1908: Cellophane is invented by Jacques E. Brandenberger.
- 1909: Fritz Haber invents the Haber process.
- 1909: The first instantaneous transmission of images, or television broadcast, is carried out by Georges Rignoux and A. Fournier.
- 1911: The cloud chamber, the first particle detector, is invented by Charles Thomson Rees Wilson.
- 1913: The Bergius process is developed by Friedrich Bergius.
- 1913: The Kaplan turbine is invented by Viktor Kaplan.
- 1915: The first operational military tanks are designed, in Great Britain and France. They are used in battle from 1916 and 1917 respectively. In Britain the designers are Walter Wilson and William Tritton; in France, Eugène Brillié. (Although it is known that vehicles incorporating at least some of the features of the tank were designed in a number of countries from 1903 onwards, none reached a practical form.)
- 1916: The Czochralski process, widely used for the production of single crystal silicon, is invented by Jan Czochralski.
- 1917: The crystal oscillator is invented by Alexander M. Nicholson using a crystal of Rochelle Salt although his priority was disputed by Walter Guyton Cady
- 1925: The Fischer–Tropsch process is developed by Franz Fischer and Hans Tropsch at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Kohlenforschung.
- 1926: The Yagi-Uda Antenna or simply Yagi Antenna is invented by Shintaro Uda of Tohoku Imperial University, Japan, assisted by his colleague Hidetsugu Yagi. The Yagi Antenna was widely used by the US, British, and Germans during World War II. After the war they saw extensive development as home television antennas.
- 1926: Robert H. Goddard launches the first liquid fueled rocket.
- 1927: The quartz clock is invented by Warren Marrison and J.W. Horton at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
- 1928: Penicillin is first observed to exude antibiotic substances by Nobel laureate Alexander Fleming. Development of medicinal penicillin is attributed to a team of medics and scientists including Howard Walter Florey, Ernst Chain and Norman Heatley.
- 1928: Frank Whittle formally submitted his ideas for a turbo-jet engine. In October 1929, he developed his ideas further. On 16 January 1930 in England, Whittle submitted his first patent (granted in 1932).
- 1928: Philo Farnsworth demonstrates the first practical electronic television to the press.
- 1929: The ball screw is invented by Rudolph G. Boehm.
- 1930, the supersonic combusting ramjet — Frank Whittle
- 1930: The Phase-contrast microscopy is invented by Frits Zernike.
- 1931: The electron microscope is invented by Ernst Ruska.
- 1933: FM radio is patented by inventor Edwin H. Armstrong.
- 1935: Nylon, the first fully synthetic fiber is produced by Wallace Carothers while working at DuPont.
- 1938: Z1 built by Konrad Zuse is the first freely programmable computer in the world.
- 1938, December: Nuclear fission discovered in experiment by Otto Hahn (Nazi Germany), coined by Lise Meitner (fled to Sweden from Nazi-occupied Austria) and Fritz Strassman (Sweden). The Manhattan Project, and consequently the Soviet atomic bomb project were begun based on this research, as well as the German nuclear energy project, although the latter one declined as its physicists were drafted into Germany's war effort.
- 1939: G. S. Yunyev or Naum Gurvich invented the electric current defibrillator
- 1940, February, Pu-239 isotope (isotope of plutonium) a form of matter existing with the capacity for use as a destructive element (because the isotope has an exponentially increasing spontaneous fissile decay) within nuclear devices — Glenn Seaborg
- 1941: Polyester is invented by British scientists John Whinfield and James Dickson.
- 1942: The V-2 rocket, the world's first long range ballistic missile, developed in Nazi Germany during World War II.
- July 1945: The atomic bomb is first successfully developed by the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada as a part of the Manhattan Project and swiftly deployed in August 1945 in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, effectively terminating World War II.
- 1946: Sir James Martin invents the ejector seat, inspired by the death of his friend and test pilot Captain Valentine Baker in an aeroplane crash in 1942.
- 1947: Holography is invented by Dennis Gabor.
- 1947: Floyd Farris and J.B. Clark (Stanolind Oil and Gas Corporation) invents hydraulic fracturing technology.
- December 1947: The first transistor, a bipolar point-contact transistor, is invented by John Bardeen and Walter Brattain under the supervision of William Shockley at Bell Labs.
- 1948: The first atomic clock is developed at the United States's National Bureau of Standards.
- 1948: Basic oxygen steelmaking is developed by Robert Durrer. The vast majority of steel manufactured in the world is produced using the basic oxygen furnace; in 2000, it accounted for 60% of global steel output.
- 1950: Bertie the Brain, debatably the first video game, is displayed to the public at the Canadian National Exhibition.
- 1950: The Toroidal chamber with axial magnetic fields (the Tokamak) is developed by Igor E. Tamm and Andrei D. Sakharov
- 1952: The float glass process is developed by Alastair Pilkington.
- December 20, 1951: First use of nuclear power to produce electricity for households in Arco, Idaho
- 1952: The first thermonuclear weapon is developed by the United States of America.
- 1953: The first video tape recorder, a helical scan recorder, is invented by Norikazu Sawazaki.
- 1954: Invention of Solar Battery by Bell Telephone scientists, Calvin Souther Fuller, Daryl Chapin and Gerald Pearson capturing the sun's power. First practical means of collecting energy from the sun and turning it into a current of electricity.
- 1955: The hovercraft is patented by Christopher Cockerell.
- 1955: The intermodal container is developed by Malcom McLean.
- 1956: The hard disk drive is invented by IBM.
- 1957: The first personal computer used by one person and controlled by a keyboard, the IBM 610, is invented in 1957 by IBM.
- 1957: The first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, is built and launched by the Soviet Union.
- 1958–59: The integrated circuit is independently invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce.
- 1959: The MOSFET (MOS transistor) is invented by Mohamed Atalla and Dawon Kahng at Bell Labs. It is used in almost all modern electronic products. It was smaller, faster, more reliable and cheaper to manufacture than earlier bipolar transistors, leading to a revolution in computers, controls and communication.
- 1960: The first functioning laser is invented by Theodore Maiman.
- 1961: The first crewed spaceflight is achieved by Vostok 1.
- 1963: The first electronic cigarette is created by Herbert A. Gilbert. Hon Lik is often credited with its invention as he developed the modern electronic cigarette and was the first to commercialize it.
- 1965: Kevlar is invented by Stephanie Kwolek at DuPont.
- 1969: ARPANET first deployed via UCLA, SRI, UCSB, and The University of Utah.
- 1970: The pocket calculator is invented in Japan.
- 1971: Email is invented by Ray Tomlinson.
- 1971: The first single-chip microprocessor, the Intel 4004, is invented. Its development was led by Federico Faggin, using his silicon-gate MOS technology. This led to the personal computer (PC) revolution.
- 1971: The first space station, Salyut 1 is launched by the Soviet Union.
- 1972: The first video game console, used primarily for playing video games on a TV, is the Magnavox Odyssey.
- 1973: The first commercial graphical user interface is introduced in 1973 on the Xerox Alto. The modern GUI is later popularized by the Xerox Star and Apple Lisa.
- 1973: The first capacitive touchscreen is developed at CERN.
- 1973–74: The Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) is proposed by Vinton Cerf and Robert E. Kahn for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) ARPANET, creating the basis for the modern Internet.
- 1975: Altair 8800 is the spark that ignited the microcomputer revolution.
- 1977: The first self-driving car that did not rely upon rails or wires under the road is designed by the Tsukuba Mechanical Engineering Laboratory in Japan.
- 1978: The Global Positioning System (GPS) enters service. While not the first Satellite navigation system, it is the first to enter widespread civilian use.
- 1979: The first handheld game console with interchangeable game cartridges, the Microvision is released.
- 1980: Flash memory (both NOR and NAND types) is invented in Japan by Fujio Masuoka while working for Toshiba. It is formally introduced to the public in 1984.
- 1981: The first reusable spacecraft, the Space Shuttle undergoes test flights ahead of full operation in 1982.
- 1982: A CD-ROM contains data accessible to, but not writable by, a computer for data storage and music playback. The 1985 Yellow Book standard developed by Sony and Philips adapted the format to hold any form of binary data.
- 1982: The first laptop computer is launched, the 8/16-bit Epson HX-20.
- 1983: Stereolithography is invented by Chuck Hull
- 1984: The first commercially available cell phone, the DynaTAC 8000X, is created by Motorola.
- 1985: The lithium-ion battery is invented by John B. Goodenough, Rachid Yazami and Akira Yoshino. It has impacted modern consumer electronics and electric vehicles.
- 1990: The World Wide Web was first introduced to the public by English engineer and computer scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
- 1991: The first commercial flash-based solid-state drive is launched by SunDisk.
- 1993: Mosaic, the first popular web browser is introduced
- 1994: IBM Simon, World's first smart phone developed by IBM.
- 1995: DVD is an optical disc storage format, invented and developed by Philips, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic in 1995. DVDs offer higher storage capacity than Compact Discs while having the same dimensions.
- 1998: The first portable MP3 player is released by SaeHan Information Systems.
21st century[edit]
- 2000: Sony develops the first prototypes for the Blu-ray optical disc format. The first prototype player was released in 2004.
- 2007: Apple releases the original iPhone. While not the first smartphone, it did popularise the touchscreen focused format.
- 2008: Satoshi Nakamoto develops the first blockchain.
- 2010: The first solar sail based spacecraft, IKAROS, is launched by Japan.
- 2010: The first synthetic organism, Mycoplasma laboratorium is created by the J. Craig Venter Institute.
- 2019: IBM launches IBM Q System One, its first integrated quantum computing system for commercial use.
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus -2
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Hoogte van de sfeer boven de polen, de evenaar en boven Nederland. Onderdelen van de sfeer. Grenzen van de sfeer
Boven de poolgebieden is de troposfeer 8 kilometer hoog. In Nederland is de troposfeer 10 kilometer hoog. In de tropen is de troposfeer 16 kilometer hoog. Het onderste deel van de troposfeer heet de planetaire grenslaag (PGL) of ook wel atmosferische grenslaag. Boven de PGL heb je de vrije atmosfeer. De bovenkant de van de troposfeer heet de tropopauze. Deze vormt de grens tussen de troposfeer en de volgende laag: de stratosfeer. Kenmerk van de troposfeer is dat de temperatuur met 6,5 graden Celsius afneemt als je 1000 meter hoger komt. In de stratosfeer neemt de temperatuur juist weer toe. De temperatuur boven in de troposfeer is -55 graden Celsius.
De temperatuur daalt omdat de lucht van onder verwarmd wordt door de aarde. De aarde weerkaatst namelijk het warme zonlicht. Die warmte wordt opgenomen in de lucht. Hoger in de lucht dringt minder straling door en wordt ook minder opgenomen omdat de luchtdruk afneemt. In de tropopauze verandert de temperatuur bijna niet. Vliegtuigen vliegen net onder de tropopauze. De motoren van de vliegtuigen werken beter bij koudere temperaturen.
De luchtdruk onder in de troposfeer is ongeveer 1 bar (om precies te zijn 1013 millibar) groot. Tot 4000 meter hoogte neemt de luchtdruk gemiddeld per 8 meter, 1 millibar af. Op 4000 meter hoogte is de luchtdruk dus ongeveer 613 millibar. De lucht is hier ijl. Ademen gaat daardoor moeilijker. Troposfeer [bewerken] Planetaire grenslaag
De planetaire grenslaag is vanaf het aardoppervlak tussen de 200 meter en 2 kilometer dik. Dat is afhankelijk van het soort aardoppervlak en het tijdstip van de dag. Kenmerk van de PGL is dat het veel invloed heeft op het weer. Dat doet het op verschillende manieren. De wind die langs het aardoppervlakte waait ondervindt wrijving van het aardoppervlak. Hierdoor ontstaat turbulentie. De aarde straalt de warmte die ze krijgt van de zon weer uit in de troposfeer. Zo ontstaat ook thermiek. De zonnestralen verwarmen op die manier de lucht. Vocht dat verdampt van de bodem en planten zorgen voor vochtigheid in de lucht. De rode streepjeslijn geeft de bovenkant van de planetaire grenslaag aan.
Het woord troposfeer is afgeleid van het Griekse woord tropos. Het Griekse woord tropos betekent "draaien" of "mengen". Zoals je net las is de lucht in de onderste laag van de troposfeer druk in beweging en is het daarom een passende naam.
[bewerken] Feiten over de troposfeer
* 80 procent van alle luchtmassa vind je in de troposfeer. Dit komt door de zwaartekracht van de aarde; * De lucht in de troposfeer zorgt ervoor dat we kunnen ademhalen; * de lucht in de troposfeer bestaat voor al uit stikstofgas en zuurstofgas; * doordat er veel waterdamp in de troposfeer zit, ontstaan hier ook de meeste wolken en neerslag.
Artikel over onweer
Artikel over elektriciteit (en elektrische ontlading)
Artikel over warme en koude luchtstromen
koufront en warmtefront
Een tornado is een wervelwind. Een tornado lijkt op een draaikolk. Het is een trechtervormige slurf onder een wolk (cumulonimbus en soms cumulus) die contact maakt met de grond. Tornado's hebben verschillende vormen maar ziet er meestal uit als een wolk in de vorm van een trechter. Er om heen vliegen brokstukken. De windsnelheid in de meeste tornado's is minder dan 177 kilometer per uur. Ze zijn ongeveer 80 meter breed en leggen een paar kilometer voordat ze verdwijnen. De zwaartste tornado's halen windsnelheiden van 480 kilometer per uur, zijn meer dan drie kilometer breed en leggen meer dan 100 kilometer af. Behalve op de Zuidpool zijn er op elk werelddeel al wel tornado's voorgekomen. De meeste tornado's komen voor in Tornado Alley, een gebied in Noord-Amerika. In Amerika zijn zo'n 1300 tornado's per jaar. De meeste tornado's komen voor van april tot juni (het tornadoseizoen).
Hoe ontstaat een tornado
De meest heftige tornado's ontstaan in een zware onweersbui. Zo'n onweersbui heet een supercel. Een supercel is een ronddraaiende onweersbui. In de onweersbui draait een wervelwind omhoog. Deze wervelwind (met een moeilijk woord mesocycloon)...
- Een tornado ontstaat als een koude lucht en een warme lucht elkaar ontmoeten. De koude lucht schuurt langs de warme lucht. De warme lucht word opgeladen en stijgt omhoog doordat de warme lucht is opgeladen is het een onweerswolk.
- Op dat moment komt de tornado. Als er een tornado ontstaat gaan de wolken rond draaien.
- Als ze heel snel draaien komt er een klein stuk omlaag.
- Nu worden de tornado's even magnetisch; de aarde is een magneet en de tornado is een magneet, daarom trekken ze zich naar elkaar.
- Als de tornado de grond aanraakt verwoest hij alles wat hem in de weg staat zoals houten huizen, auto's en bomen.
Soorten tornado's
Er zijn verschillende tornado`s zoals:
- Stofhoos
- Waterhoos
- Wormale Tornado
Hoe sterk een tornado is meet je met de schaal van Fujita. Tetsuya Theodore Fujita was een Japanse weerkundige. Zijn schaal geeft aan hoe snel de wind waait in een tornado en voor hoeveel schade de tornado zorgt.
Er zijn verschilende tornadokrachten.
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