Lijst van Landen Olympische zomerspelen 2024: verschil tussen versies
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Regel 46: | Regel 46: | ||
*[[File:Flag of Burkina Faso.svg|23x15px]] [[Burkina Faso]] (8) | *[[File:Flag of Burkina Faso.svg|23x15px]] [[Burkina Faso]] (8) | ||
*[[File:Flag of Burundi.svg|23x15px]] [[Burundi]] (7) | *[[File:Flag of Burundi.svg|23x15px]] [[Burundi]] (7) | ||
− | *[[File:Flag of Cambodia.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Cambodia.svg|23x15px]] [[Cambodja]] (3) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Canada.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Canada.svg|23x15px]] [[Canada]] (315) |
− | *[[File:Flag of the Central African Republic.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of the Central African Republic.svg|23x15px]] [[Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek]] (4) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Chile.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Chile.svg|23x15px]] [[Chili]] (48) |
− | *[[File:Flag of China.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of China.svg|23x15px]] [[China]] (388) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg|23x15px]] [[Chinees Taipei]] (60) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Colombia.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Colombia.svg|23x15px]] [[Colombia]] (88) |
− | *[[File:Flag of the Comoros.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of the Comoros.svg|23x15px]] [[Comoren]] (4) |
− | *[[File:Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg|23x15px]] [[Congo-Brazzaville]] (4) |
− | *[[File:Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg|23x15px]] [[Congo-Kinshasa]] (6) |
− | *[[File:Flag of the Cook Islands.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of the Cook Islands.svg|23x15px]] [[Cookeilanden]] (2) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Costa Rica.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Costa Rica.svg|23x15px]] [[Costa Rica]] (6) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Cuba.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Cuba.svg|23x15px]] [[Cuba]] (61) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Cyprus.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Cyprus.svg|23x15px]] [[Cyprus]] (16) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Denmark.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Denmark.svg|23x15px]] [[Denemarken]] (124) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Djibouti.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Djibouti.svg|23x15px]] [[Djibouti]] (7) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Dominica.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Dominica.svg|23x15px]] [[Dominica]] (4) |
− | *[[File:Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg|23x15px]] [[Dominicaanse Republiek]] (58) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Germany.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Germany.svg|23x15px]] [[Duitsland]] (428) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Ecuador.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Ecuador.svg|23x15px]] [[Ecuador]] (40) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Egypt.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Egypt.svg|23x15px]] [[Egypte]] (148) |
− | *[[File:Flag of El Salvador.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of El Salvador.svg|23x15px]] [[El Salvador]] (8) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg|23x15px]] [[Equatoriaal-Guinea]] (3) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Eritrea.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Eritrea.svg|23x15px]] [[Eritrea]] (12) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Estonia.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Estonia.svg|23x15px]] [[Estland]] (24) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Ethiopia.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Ethiopia.svg|23x15px]] [[Ethiopië]] (34) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Fiji.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Fiji.svg|23x15px]] [[Fiji]] (33) |
− | *[[File:Flag of the Philippines.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of the Philippines.svg|23x15px]] [[Filipijnen]] (22) |
− | *[[File:Flag of Finland.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of Finland.svg|23x15px]] [[Finland]] (56) |
− | *[[File:Flag of France.svg|23x15px]] [[ | + | *[[File:Flag of France.svg|23x15px]] [[Frankrijk]] (573) |
*[[File:Flag of Gabon.svg|23x15px]] [[Gabon op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2024|Gabon]] (5) | *[[File:Flag of Gabon.svg|23x15px]] [[Gabon op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2024|Gabon]] (5) | ||
*[[File:Flag of Gambia.svg|23x15px]] [[Gambia op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2024|Gambia]] (7) | *[[File:Flag of Gambia.svg|23x15px]] [[Gambia op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2024|Gambia]] (7) |
Versie van 27 jul 2024 12:28

Deelnemende Nationale Olympische Comités
De volgende lijst bevat de Nationale Olympische Comités die ten minste één atleet hebben gekwalificeerd voor de Olympische Zomerspelen van 2024. Na de Russische invasie van Oekraïne sinds 2022 schorste het IOC de Olympische Comités van Rusland en Wit-Rusland. Russische en Wit-Russische atleten zullen in plaats daarvan deelnemen als "Individuele Neutrale Atleten" (AIN) zonder nationale identificatie.
In totaal worden er 206 olympische nationale teams vertegenwoordigd op de Olympische Zomerspelen van 2024, waarvan 54 uit Afrika, 48 uit Europa, 44 uit Azië, 41 uit de Amerika's, 17 uit Oceanië, de Individuele Neutrale Atleten en het Olympisch Vluchtelingenteam.