Bestand:Stories of beowulf queen poring wine.jpg

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"Then forth from the bower came Wealtheow, Hrothgar's queen. Stately and tall, and very beautiful she came, clothed in rich garments girdled with gold. A golden crown was upon her head, and jewels glittered upon her neck. In her hand she held a great golden cup. set with gems. First to King Hrothgar she went and gave to him the beaker.

'Hail to thee,' she cried, 'mayest thou have joy of the drinking, joy of the feast, ever dear to thy people.'

And Hrothgar drank, merry of heart, glad with thoughts of the morrow.

Then through all the Hall Wealtheow moved, speaking gracious words, giving to each warrior, young and old, wine from the golden cup. At last she, the crowned queen, courteous and beautiful, came to Beowulf.

Graciously Wealtheow smiled upon the Goth lord, holding the beaker to him.

' I thank the Lord of All, that thou art come to us,' she said. 'Thou art come, noble earl, to bring us comfort, and to deliver us out of our sorrows.'

The fierce warrior bowed before the beautiful queen, as he held the wine-cup. He felt the joy of battle rise within him, and aloud he spake:

' I sware it when I did set out upon the deep sea, as I stood by my comrades upon the ship. I sware that I alone would do the deed or go down to death in the grip of the monster. As an earl I must fulfil my word, or here in the Hart Hall must I await my death-day.'"

An illustration in Beowulf of the queen pouring wine for the warrior.

  • Marshall, Henrietta Elizabeth (1908) Stories of Beowulf, T.C. & E.C. Jack, p. 29
  • Stories of Beowulf-1 Page 050 Image 0002.jpg
Bron Marshall, Henrietta Elizabeth (1908) Stories of Beowulf, T.C. & E.C. Jack
Auteur J. R. Skelton


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