Bestand:Baku Formula One circuit map.svg

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Afbeelding in hogere resolutie(SVG-bestand, nominaal 2.437 × 1.806 pixels, bestandsgrootte: 94 kB)

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English: A map of the Formula One motor circuit in Baku as it was used for the 2016 European Grand Prix and the 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021 Azerbaijani Grands Prix. This map is valid for races which use this layout and corner numbering scheme, please upload a new file for races which use different layouts or corner numbering schemes rather than replacing this file. As this is a free-hand map drawn by an enthusiast rather than a professional cartographer's work it may contain some errors, although checking it against other maps it appears accurate enough for most purposes. The track is shown in black with a grey outline, while the pit lane is shown in blue. A scale showing the length of one kilometre (with increments of 100 metres) is given, to allow viewers to contextualise and understand what they are looking at. Corner numbers and other important text is given an off-white background to avoid transparency issues rendering it illegible on certain devices. A line with a chequered flag pattern crossing the track and pit lane shows the location of the start/finish line also known as the control or timing line; while the location of pole position is indicated by a white line, crossing only the track, marked with a large mauve arrow, which indicates the direction of travel. The salmon arrow marked "N" shows the direction of north.
Bron Eigen werk
Auteur HumanBodyPiloter5


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Creative Commons CC-Zero Dit bestand is beschikbaar onder Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universele toewijding aan het publieke domein.
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Beschrijf in één regel wat dit bestand voorstelt
A map of the Formula One motor circuit in Baku

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96.105 byte

1.806 pixel

2.437 pixel


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huidige versie7 jul 2021 17:13Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 7 jul 2021 17:132.437 × 1.806 (94 kB)HumanBodyPiloter5hopefully fixes problems with PNG rendering of chequerboard

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