Bestand:Alexander and Aristotle.jpg

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English: Aristotle teaching Alexander the Great

Derivative websource:

Engraving by Charles Laplante, a french engraver and illustrator.

This engraving was first inserted as illustration in the book of Louis Figuier, Vie des savants illustres - Savants de l'antiquité (tome 1), Paris, 1866. The subtitle of the illustration is "Education d'Alexandre par Aristote", and is inserted between the pages 134-135 (Chap. Aristote). The signature "C. LAPLANTE" is at the bottom-right. Charles Laplante is dead in 1903 and Louis Figuier in 1894. The book is digitalized by Google.
For a copy of the original engraving in his first french publication, see Education d'Alexandre par Aristote.
This engraving is also publish by the New York Public Library in his Digital Gallery with the subtitle : "Aristotle and his pupil, Alexander".
Charles Laplante  (1837–1903)  wikidata:Q2959569
Charles Laplante (graveur sur bois)
Beschrijving Frans graveur, illustrator, lithograaf en prentkunstenaar
Geboorte- en sterfdatum 14 september 1837 Bewerk dit op Wikidata 16 juni 1903 Bewerk dit op Wikidata
Geboorte- en sterfplaats Sévres Parijs Bewerk dit op Wikidata
Actieve periode 1867-1900
Bibliografische informatie
creator QS:P170,Q2959569


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Public domain

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Beschrijf in één regel wat dit bestand voorstelt
"That most enduring of romantic images, Aristotle tutoring the future conqueror Alexander". Illustration by Charles Laplante, 1866.

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huidige versie11 dec 2020 02:25Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 11 dec 2020 02:25870 × 696 (674 kB)User-duckCropped to reduce/balance border using CropTool with lossless mode.

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