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Details voor logboekregel 15.320

26 jan 2020 06:22: NannieSilver (overleg | bijdragen) heeft filter 21 laten afgaan tijdens het uitvoeren van de handeling "edit" op Gebruiker:NannieSilver. Genomen maatregel: Waarschuwen; Filterbeschrijving: Schuttingtaal (streng) (onderzoeken)

Wijzigingen in de bewerking

levitra 10颗装" style="max-width:430px;float:left;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px;">without doctor prescription [ levitra] The actual cause of this often the unawareness to the fact that erection concerns can be got rid of by acceptable treatment. Male impotence or dysfunction of the penis the incapability to obtain or maintain an erection necessary for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Occasionally, surgical treatment can be used. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by other ailments caused by diabetes.


Of de bewerking wel of niet als klein gemarkeerd is (niet langer in gebruik) (minor_edit)
Aantal bewerkingen gebruiker (user_editcount)
Gebruikersaccountnaam (user_name)
Groepen (inclusief impliciete) waar gebruiker lid van is (user_groups)
[ 0 => '*', 1 => 'user' ]
Rechten die een gebruiker heeft (user_rights)
[ 0 => 'createaccount', 1 => 'read', 2 => 'writeapi', 3 => 'viewmywatchlist', 4 => 'editmywatchlist', 5 => 'viewmyprivateinfo', 6 => 'editmyprivateinfo', 7 => 'editmyoptions', 8 => 'abusefilter-log-detail', 9 => 'abusefilter-view', 10 => 'abusefilter-log', 11 => 'move-rootuserpages', 12 => 'edit', 13 => 'createpage', 14 => 'createtalk', 15 => 'upload', 16 => 'reupload', 17 => 'reupload-shared', 18 => 'minoredit', 19 => 'editmyusercss', 20 => 'editmyuserjson', 21 => 'editmyuserjs', 22 => 'purge', 23 => 'sendemail', 24 => 'applychangetags', 25 => 'changetags', 26 => 'editcontentmodel', 27 => 'spamblacklistlog' ]
Pagina-ID (page_id)
Paginanaamruimte (page_namespace)
Paginanaam (zonder naamruimte) (page_title)
Volledige paginanaam (page_prefixedtitle)
Handeling (action)
Bewerkingssamenvatting (summary)
Oude inhoudsmodel (old_content_model)
Nieuw inhoudsmodel (new_content_model)
Wikitekst van de oude pagina vóór de bewerking (old_wikitext)
Wikitekst van de nieuwe pagina ná de bewerking (new_wikitext)
'levitra 10颗装" style="max-width:430px;float:left;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px;">without doctor prescription [ levitra] The actual cause of this often the unawareness to the fact that erection concerns can be got rid of by acceptable treatment. Male impotence or dysfunction of the penis the incapability to obtain or maintain an erection necessary for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Occasionally, surgical treatment can be used. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by other ailments caused by diabetes.'
Unified diff van wijzigingen in bewerking (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ +levitra 10颗装" style="max-width:430px;float:left;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px;">without doctor prescription [ levitra] The actual cause of this often the unawareness to the fact that erection concerns can be got rid of by acceptable treatment. Male impotence or dysfunction of the penis the incapability to obtain or maintain an erection necessary for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Occasionally, surgical treatment can be used. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by other ailments caused by diabetes. '
Regels toegevoegd in bewerking (added_lines)
[ 0 => 'levitra 10颗装" style="max-width:430px;float:left;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px;">without doctor prescription [ levitra] The actual cause of this often the unawareness to the fact that erection concerns can be got rid of by acceptable treatment. Male impotence or dysfunction of the penis the incapability to obtain or maintain an erection necessary for satisfactory sexual intercourse. Occasionally, surgical treatment can be used. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by other ailments caused by diabetes.' ]
Regels verwijderd in bijdrage (removed_lines)
Of de wijziging wel of niet is gemaakt via een Tor-exitnode (tor_exit_node)
UNIX-tijdstempel van wijziging (timestamp)
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